Welcome to the Club: mass_shootings_LKM_036

Kaylan Bailey, 20, a survivor of the Aurora Theater shooting, takes in the ocean as she visits the beach with Heather Martin of Columbine and Sherrie Lawson of Washington Navy Yard April 2, 2019 near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, US. On her back, a tattoo memorializing the event can be seen. The Rebels Project members were invited to Florida to participate in a Parkland MSD Community Peer Support Event.

Kaylan Bailey, 20, a survivor of the Aurora Theater shooting, takes in the ocean as she visits the beach with Heather Martin of Columbine and Sherrie Lawson of Washington Navy Yard April 2, 2019 near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, US. On her back, a tattoo memorializing the event can be seen. The Rebels Project members were invited to Florida to participate in a Parkland MSD Community Peer Support Event.